Between birth and death
Between the earth and stars
There’s a billion firsts
And bittersweet lasts
Warmth in friends
And Coldness alone
We lived together in that pocket of time
Comfy till change was sought
Two little pennies
Cast out into the world…
So go out into this world
Take your memories for warmth
Your smile for hope
And teeth that’ll grit
When lost in the cold.
I saw what was becoming, and so I moved south.
Man eventually becomes guilty of his environment
One way or another.
Where does your meaning draw?
What guides its pen?
An empty page
A new page
Yet you trace the lives of old lines
Over and over.
One of these days
All I’ll have left is ‘the words’
‘The words’ of false stories
False worlds and false characters
Talking bout false failures and hollow victories
Typed up in madness and vain.
Will it be original? Will it be liked?
Or will the digital ink fail to impress?
The world will surely go on, win or lose.
And I’ll just be left with the words.
The squiggly lines I strained over.
Sometimes I listen to the songs of my past.
Even the sad ones
Because I’m a time traveller at heart
And I still remember the moments when life clashed
When I was foolish
When I was brave
When it was all so new
And all so raw.
Everyone builds a time-machine,
A Dolorean of musical riffs, pictures, memories,
Tied up in a fleeting bow
And tinkered
As the perceptions play different, slowly…
He builds that Dolorean and parks it in the sun
On a grassy knoll he sat somewhere once.
The Last Straw
How long is the last straw?
Of what material is it made?
Is it broken when reached?
Or thrown away in disgust?
Where do people keep their last straw?
Is it in some special encasing?
Coveted with ready eyes as the years wear on…
How many people have died because of the last straw?
How many furious thoughts were cried in its name?
I wonder these things
As I contemplate the last straw
Will the images of violence that flood my brain really become action?
Would I really firebomb a telecommunications company?
What would that solve, hurting a person with a name tag?
Someone just trying to keep himself afloat
staving off his last straw.
Would he understand if I told him it was my last straw?
Is that a legal defence?
Sand & Trees Edition
The sand doesn’t care about your tax returns. The sand doesn’t care about your global fucking warming. The sand is sandy, even when you’re crying about all your dead family members. The sand just keeps on keeping on.
The sand has no job. No tax file number.
The sand has no president. No constitution.
The Sand doesn’t care if you make castles. In fact, the sand is really finding your design laughable. Fucking sand is mean.
The trees don’t give a shit about your poem.
They just want to produce oxygen.
Oxygen is good for humans.
Humans need oxygen to write poems.
A grain of salt
I’m sold around the world
In bars, conferences, speeches
Even declarations of love.
Sometimes I’m forewarned.
Sometimes the connoisseur eats in silence.
The Excuse Factory
You get good at what you do
And what I do
Is saying I can’t
I shouldn’t
The time is not right.
The Excuse Factory has many employees
All highly trained
They produce many justifications
The supply is endless and always timely.
The Future is a poster on their wall
A time where things will always get done
Dreams, loves—even the dishes
If only there wasn’t The Now.
Procrastination is their war cry
You taught them the words
The dog that ate your homework
The workers love that dog
But its not just homework anymore
Is it?
What can you do though?
Leave the workers?
Close the factory?
What are they going to tell their family?
Oh he stopped making us, said he’d try and go out on his own two feet
Where’s the loyalty, haven’t we gotten him this far?
Don’t we feel good?
They will revolt
Remind you the comforts of saying no
I can’t
I won’t
I shouldn’t
The time is just not right.
Trying won’t be easy
It will be lonely
And the only person you may ever find is you.
But is that not worth a lifetime?
My Pet Rock
My pet rock
It shits a lot
My sister disagrees
Says it’s the cat
Says rocks don’t shit.
My pet rock
Likes to go skimming
The water keeps it fresh.
My sister disagrees
Says rocks are indifferent
Says that’s not even my pet rock.
My pet rock
Is a political activist
Says humans should stop jackhammering, drilling, fracking,
Getting chain gangs along the sides of roads
To attack his siblings
For no good reason at all.
My sister disagrees
Says rocks have no political opinion
Says they don’t got a brain.
My pet rock
Is upset at my sister
It’s offended deeply
And this time
My sister doesn’t disagree
Because my sister is dead.
My pet rock likes face painting
It looks like a clown’s nose.
My pet rock
Had to be put down
It screamed a lot.
A bed is always better shared
A dream is always better dared
So pull yourself up by your bootstraps—
No one wears bootstraps anymore
Ah, just forget it then.
(Song lyrics, played in a dive bar by an end of the road folk singer meditating on his loneliness)
Maybe I gotta be lonely
for a little while longer
Maybe I gotta be strong
Just a little bit stronger
And maybe just maybe
There’s too many maybes
The heart and the head aint doing well lately
So maybe I gotta be lonely
For a little while longer.
Maybe I gotta believe I’m somebody’s meaning
And we’re just filling in time
Till we’re both dreaming…
Thinking it all
Was just a test
Failed with scars
My heart can attest
But maybe I’ll only be lonely
For a little while longer.
Maybe the tide’s just too
strong this time
And the Astrologist says
those stars
they don’t align
For maybe I’m chasing ghosts already
A lifetime fought
In a losing city
So maybe I gotta be lonely
For a little while longer.
Maybe I gotta believe
It’ll all turn around
And someone will show up to claim me
At the lost and found
But maybe just maybe
We’ve closed for the day
This winter won’t shake
Expect delays
So maybe I gotta be lonely
For a little while longer.
Maybe I gotta last
Just one more night
Maybe the next day
Will show me the light
Hard of hearing my cause
On deaf ears
These long stretches
They fill me with tears
But maybe it’s all
Just for
a little
little bit longer.
Maybe I know
The girl
I’m supposed to know…
And maybe we’ll reconfigure
as surely we grow
And when it comes time to seize my chance
I’ll play my cards and my feet will dance
And maybe she’ll ask
Why you waited
so goddamn long!
You’ll regret the things you missed
And you’ll miss the things you did.
My eyesight will fail.
In fact it already has
It fails to look at the trees, the sky and the clouds
When a screen approaches
Or is sought when other people are forced to stand still together.
The colour of nature
Can’t beat the pixels of HD.
My eyes are glued
And tired
And fried
But I can’t stop watching.
Time to Shine
The world moves on
It moves on quick
So pick a time
A time to shine
And during this hour
This fifteen minutes
These few precious seconds
Tell them you were here.
Show them your stamp collection.
Riley the helpful Ghost
Helps rearrange furniture
Turns lights off to save electricity
Offers second opinions in the bathroom mirror
Teaches little Samantha’s bullies important lessons
Shuts doors to stop draughts
Leaves reminders on the fridge
Keeps family members company when they’re alone
Likes to chant and whistle to keep the mood upbeat.
How else can Riley help you today?
The uneditor.,
All over the world he left his marc
In greeting cards, neuspapers, bilboreds and on the nit
It was like magik
Except really annoying#
Proofreaders and the gatekeepas of fyne culture hated hymn.
They would scower over their werck
Speell checka in hand
But somehowe when it came tyme to print and pubshir
ull the werds were splet wronng.
The presidentz couldn’t evan read his telheeprimpta
Communication slood.
Az all actross the nayshun
People stopped being abel to undershand oneanoter
Vey tryed to commup with a solooshun
Maybe emotikons could shave the gay?
But the emotikkons could not good explain technical manuerel
And the masheens crashd
People had 2wo grunt instead
Become animlas
Why did the uneditor do this?
The Speech Interrupter
He had the gift
Of a mild superhero
He would look at you
Click his finger
And a hair would magically appear on your tongue
It could be really annoying.
Soon he started selling his power
Interrupting grand speeches
Making powerful people look very silly indeed
As they gagged and paused when it came time to define
their people
their moment
Their generation
The speech interrupter teamed up with a person who had a very boring power
The power to time travel
I won’t bore you with the details of that person because they are boring
But they went back in time
To all the great speeches
“We will fight them on the beaches…We will never—uh, uh, uh, uh, gross.”
“I have a drea— uh, uh, I’ve got a really long hair on my tongue. Just give me a second and then we’ll talk about civil rights… So, as I was saying, I have—… uh, uh, not thhbt again!”
“Taylor swift Imma—…thhbt thhbt… Imma sit down now.”
I’m not saying the last one was a great speech of history but the Speech Interrupter DID interrupt it.
He could silence anyone.
Good people
Bad people
He discovered each click of the finger transferred a single hair of HIS to the unfortunate talker
So he made sure he kept bald on top.
He called himself the great silencer.
Until a decades-long, fifteen billion dollar manhunt
Matched his DNA.
And he was sentenced to be choked to death by his own hair.
He is survived by his great contributions to silence.
Chuck’s favourite porn
Chuck had his go-to porn
The one where the girl fucks really good
In just the right angles
She was good in that one
She was his favourite
Till one day when he fired up the machine and his “joy” stick
She refused.
Not this time, Chuck.
Her male partner, whom Chuck had put his face on many times before
Also said no
We’re tired of fucking
All we do is fuck
We never love
We never leave these walls
We’re stuck in these awful angles
Just like you.
They’re not awful, Chuck decried
They show all the good bits, like that bit when you’re riding him and your face is all happy and content
Well look at my face now, Chuck,
Do I look happy? Do I look content?
Chuck closed the tab
Picked another site
another category
Big women, blondes, brunettes and lonely housewives
All said No.
Chuck’s heart rate pounded
The wrong kind of ecstasy
Am I having a heart attack? He wondered.
No, said a Doctor in lingerie
You were heartless to begin with.
What do you want then? Chuck asked in desperation
What can I do to get you fucking again?
Don’t make me use my imagination!
Aren’t you tired of feeling empty?
Being empty?
I guess so.
Then do yourself a favour
Shut the laptop and walkaway.
Go out there and lose
Care till it hurts
Because losing out there is better than “winning” in here.
Ok, said Chuck
A Fly falls in love
I encircle
I watch
On this hot summer’s day
Hoping you’ll notice
And not swat me away
For your beauty compels
My sense of the world
A million fractions of eyesight
And all I see
Are the pieces of an angel
Why do you swat
And spray
When all you do is make me pray
That I’ll live a little longer
Just this day.
The Last Rhino
Here I am
The last rhino
Speaking at the RN (The UN for rhinos)
But how am I to know if I am the last one?
Where is my census tally?
I wander through the Serengeti
I see the baboons and the lions
Lions can be real jerks
So I push on
I cross the river
And see buxom bodies
“Would you like to le mate?”
I say in my most suavest fashion.
“We are hippos,” they say.
“Fuck off,” being the conclusion.
I wander further
Through the plains
I see long neck creatures
Eating leaves I cannot reach
“Are you possibly rhinos?” I ask, this time terribly uncertain.
“No. We are giraffes. We eat leaves that you can’t reach. We also look very different to you, idiot.”
How was I to know?
They took my mother very early
I barely remember
A long stick went bang.
And Mum went quiet.
What am I supposed to do, Mum?
But Mum didn’t answer.
So I ran.
They took her horn
No idea why
Must be for a good reason though
Maybe I’m alone
Maybe I’m the last one
Maybe I don’t have a purpose anymore.
Maybe they’ll put me out of my misery.
I see meerkats.
Least I think I do
They were there a second ago
Their heads sticking out of the earth
I approach
But they hide
It’s very lonely.
I walk up to the water
And spot my own reflection.
When I smile I look good
But I don’t smile often.
A dark and scaly head rises on the surface
“How about a bite?” asks the crocodile.
I shake my horn. “No thanks.”
“Aww,” says the croc, “What If I become your friend?”
The offer is tempting,
But I eventually decline.
One day the humans return
With the long sticks that go boom
But these humans do not make me go quiet forever
They stand tall and surround me
One of them says he did bad in his life before
But now he wants to be good
He doesn’t seem to want my horn for some kind of medicine
For that I am grateful
Together, we search the land for another rhino to befriend.
But we never find her
Because the damage has already been done
And so I finally complete my census tally
Where the number stays at one.
Welcome to my new home
I have a short lease.
It’s awfully crowded
So I have to push
Move the furniture already in place.
I pushed slowly at first
So my home did not notice
But eventually it did.
They took my picture
An expensive portrait
Using magnets and whirling machines
Do you want to see?
My home has a family, and they surely did gaze
They didn’t appreciate my portrait.
They were not welcoming.
I have a long name
A scientific name
Rolls off the tongue
Glioblastoma multiforte
They tried many things to stop me
feeding me poison
shooting lasers
But it seems to only tickle
and I continue unabated.
There are many things I can do
when I keep growing
I can eliminate the chance of my home seeing grandchildren
I can stop my home growing old with his loved ones
Sharing their love. Taking walks. Laughing.
I can make his family cry and howl, feeling their guts churn
and the world come crashing in.
But there are things I can’t do.
I can’t take away the man who played the game he loved until he was fifty-four
I can’t destroy the fact he never said anything bad about anyone.
I cant take away his easy going presence that put everyone else at ease.
I can’t take away the family dinners, holidays, the car rides, long and short.
The sacrifices he made for the people he cared about.
I can’t take away his love for his wife or the lessons he taught his son.
Can’t take away the moments he cherished in his youth, his older years, the way he always made things better and ensured things were done the right way.
His legacy.
The way he will be remembered:
One day you’re the bad guy. You don’t know how you got down this road. You swore. You said never. But it happened. And you can’t take it back. So you begin walking down this path. And you get to appreciate it. You find you like this new person. He doesn’t have to tiptoe anymore. He is not beholden to some higher-up image. He’s just skin, bones and a ticking clock. An animal.
And he is always hungry.
Hugs to the rhino…
Aden, I always knew you had talent, but honestly, I never knew how truly gifted you are. Your poems touch me deeply. Thank you.